Thursday, March 1, 2012

Lindora Diet from a man's view day 2

IT'S ALL A LIE! Today is the first of 3 protein days I'm supposed to have.. Cool right?? Where is my bag-o-ribeyes? I can handle meat all day. shiiiiiii.. I did that most my college years.. Well. And pizza, cheetos and beer. BUT damn near the same exact same.. So what to my surprise, what was for breakfast??? MILK!
That's right my friends. 8 ounces of "this aint steak" milk. I also have a strict eating schedule. So, I wake up, have a bottle of milk and have a strict schedule. Somewhere in the last few days I've reverted to a newborn baby. Here is my feeding chart for the day for those keeping track:

7:30am :  8 oz glass of "not steak"

8:30am - 9:30am : 3.5 oz chicken breast  (poor flat breasted chickens)

11:30am : 3.5 oz Turkey Burger???

1:30pm : 16 oz porter house steak.. NAH, I'm effing with you.. Its a 3.5 oz CHICKEN BREAST!

3:30pm : Another 8 oz of "NOT EFFING STEAK!"

5:30pm : 3.5 oz of rhymes with "dicken"

7:30pm: Another turkey burger?? There is a big enough market for there that someone made more than one of them???????

9:30pm : Another cup of "Not steak"

10:30pm : a bullet from a 38 special.. HA JK....jk.....sigh

So I started out my "prep/cleansing/stupid amounts of water drinking" Monday. With giving up soda, no snacking, lots of exercise. Started out at a lean 260lbs. I'm 6' 4".. I hide it well. Anywho..

Progress: I've lost 4 lbs. Sounds good. But I lose 4 lbs. every time I catch a cold. My target weight loss is 30 lbs. I've been told I'm going to the gym again tonight. I went yesterday. Seems a little nutty, but why not! I kind of felt ripped off yesterday anyways being stuck between 2 ugly chicks on the machine that is like a stair stepper things with an incline. I don't know what its called but its one of the few machines where I can watch tv. If I can't watch tv, there is no working out. If I have no tv, I realize I'm a hamster on a wheel going nowhere and sink into depression. BUT.. The time I am at the gym there is always a Family Guy or two on. I can run all day if I have Stuey to walk me through it.

One last thing. I forgot to mention the border-line migraine headache I had last night from the last of caffeine. The headache I couldn't squeeze any sympathy out of anyone for. The headache that should have allowed me to go to bed instead of the gym. But its cool. I'm past it. Water under the migraine bridge of brain damage. I don't need sympathy when I HAVE MY UNLIMITED SUPPLY OF CHICKEN. BWAH-HAHAHAHAHAHA.

Hmmm. I may be losing my grip on reality. Only time will tell. If you believe that "time" isn't a government conspiracy.


  1. This sounds painful, very restrictive, and boring. I like the 10:30pm meal and think that's the kind of meal I'd enjoy most following this.

  2. ...and you're visiting us this weekend???!!! How nice! Will you be up for a grilled 'non-steak', sauteed beets with turnips, and a spinach salad before the George Strait concert????
