Saturday, January 15, 2011

How to create custom birthday cards AND not do what your wife wants at the same time!

As an artist, everytime there is an event that needs any type of signage, logo, website, or whatever, I am automatically volunteered for the job. That's fine most of the time. Some times, however, I like to be as big of a pain in the ass about it as I can. This weekend, my wife went to visit her sister and took the kids with her. HELLZ YEA! DAY OFF WITH NO KIDS! YES PLEASE! But wait... "While I'm gone, will you work on your son's first birthday card? We need to get that done." DAMMIT! Fine. "It's monster themed, so remember that." OHHH.. I like monsters.. This may not be as bad as I first thought. Matter of fact, it could be fun. So I went the extra mile and  did a few versions so she would have options. Here Is what I came up with.

Version 1:
Dark Monster theme. Pop culture monster theme. Seems to fit the bill.

Version 2:
Simple yet rebellious monster.

Version 3:
A real monster. Seemed logical to add this one.

I can't wait to see which one my wife pics. Spoiler alert: she won't pick any of these and I just completely wasted 3 hours of my day.. Totally worth it.

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