Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Lindora Diet from a man's view day 15

"War of the zucchini"

I started drawing a picture of zucchinis fighting each other and though it was a little too suggestive, so I decided against it.

Last night, my wife decided to "be adventurous" as she calls it and try something new from a vegetarian website. Her first mistake was telling me it was from a vegetarian website. Her second mistake was making it out of zucchini. Even as I told her I wouldn't try it, she insisted that I would and it would be delicious. She roasted it in garlic and herbs and to give her credit, if it was anything other than zucchini, it probably would have been delicious. But it wasn't something else......It was zucchini. Nature's retarded cucumber cousin. So.. Knowing full on how terrible zucchinis were, I waited for Beth to take the first bite......." is spicy" she says. "AND???? How is the taste?" I reply. "Not good." She murmurs.
VICTORY! That's an automatic "I don't have to try it anymore" freebie! WOO-HOO.

As of today.. No weight loss. holding at 17 lbs lost. hmmm. Maybe its the flavored water I've been drinking. Tomorrow is our weekly "Protein Day," Where I am forced to eat chicken all day. Not looking forward to that.

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