Thursday, March 8, 2012

Lindora Diet from a man's view day 9

Well I ate that cookie yesterday. I don't regret it. It was good. I might do it again. I dunno. Lost another couple pounds. I am down from 260 lbs to 246 lbs. 14 lbs total for those of you who suck at math.

Somehow or another we are on a "protein day" today. Yea.. I thought we were done with that sh*t too. Apparently you still have to do one every week. I never thought I would ever have an issue with grilled chicken. bleh.

People keep telling me that I need to go on the "Cave man diet." I've looked into it and it seems similar to what I'm doing. "Its not a "diet" its a lifestyle change" blah blah-f*ckity blah. Its all the same. Anyone can lose weight. I'm sure it will be keeping it off that the problem.

A friend asked my family to have dinner with his family this weekend at Texas Roadhouse. My normal answer would be "F*#K YES!!!!" But alas.. I had to say "Here, hold my balls, I have to ask my wife if I'm allowed to eat that." We are still "discussing it." HA! That's what she thinks! I'd like to see the person who tries to hold ME back from Texas Roadhouse! GOOD LUCK HONEY! I'll bring you back a tomato, SUCKA! Tires squealing as I peel out of the driveway in the camino. Yea.. That's what'l happen. Just. Like. That.

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