Monday, March 26, 2012

Lindora Diet from a man's view day 25-26

Only a couple days left to go. I'll be done with this hard-core portion of the diet. Then I've been told I need to do a "metabolic adjustment".... Not sure sure what that means. I think It means I just try to figure out what I can eat and still maintain my weight loss. Although, I still need to drop 8 lbs.

This weekend my wife wanted to take the kids for a walk around the lake. I'd come to find out by "walk," she meant "speed walk/try to outwalk me/extreme stroller marathon of death."  After fully pissing her off after telling her "I'm not jogging or running... Running is for suckas." She still tried to make me do quick bursts of light jogging. I let her jog ahead of me and then wait for me to catch up. I don't jog.. I don't believe in it. being 6' 4" I tired my knees out a LONG time ago and am firmly trying to save them for my old age. "NOT DOING IT!" I said firmly.. So, she tried to trick me into running by walking at a stupid fast pace. I now have a huge blister from walking like a 65 year old woman's speed walker group at the mall. and weird pains in weird places. Then we followed it up by chasing two kids around a swimming pool the rest of the afternoon.

Haven't lost any more weight. Still holding at 22 lbs.

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