Sunday, March 4, 2012

Lindora Diet from a man's view day 4

I'd like to title this entry "Anal Expressions"

Ok, I was traveling, so this is a little late. Day 4... My last protein day. (in theory). I wake up, have an egg and take my 3 dogs to the vet. While there I was instructed about my little dog Rufus. Apparently his anal glands were in need of expressions... Here's how that went down:
Vet: Oh, my, he's full. Do you express his anal glands at home?
Me: Sorry, what?
Vet: Do you express his anal glands frequently..
Me: uhhhh.. not that I know of.
Vet: He'll need it done before they become impacted.
Me: Well, I guess we're going to have to put him down then.
Vet: Would you just like me to do it?
Me: I guess?
Rufus' Anal glands: sleeeerrrrrt
Me: Holy hell, that smells
Vet: You think that's gross, this one time a colleague of mine did this in front of a new client, wasn't paying attention, squirting it in his mouth and threw up on the new client.
Me: .................
Vet: Yea, the client didn't come back

So where am I going with this story? Not eating on day four got a lot easier after this conversation. Thanks doc. Whenever I think, "Man I'm hungry," I just recall my little morning encounter.

So today I'm down almost 10 lbs since I started and I'll never be able to look at my dog the same way.

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