Friday, March 23, 2012

Lindora Diet from a man's view day 24

Day 24. I'm getting more used to eating good food and drinking water instead of soda.
My pants have gotten noticeably baggie. When I sit down I get this huge bulge in my crotch... More so than normal.
But seriously... I do need new pants. My wife tells me we are throwing away all the fat-guy clothes so I don't feel like its ok to earn back the weight since I already have the clothes for it. I disagree with this technique. First of all, I'm offended at the fact that she refers to them as "fat-clothes." I was never fat.. Just skinnilly challenged. Secondly. I would like the option to still have clothing if I do indeed gain some weight back. So There!

total weight loss: 21 lbs. fo shizzle
9 more lbs to go.

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