Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Lindora Diet from a man's view day 8 Part 2


I hold in my hand two large oatmeal raisin cookies from Bread Co. Leftovers from a meeting of something unimportant I'm sure. I don't know why I picked them up. I saw them sitting there looking all delicious. I thought to myself, I shouldn't.. I should stick to the plan. Then a little devil popped up on my shoulder and said, "What would one little cookie do really?" Then a little angel appeared on my other shoulder and said, "Don't be a bitch, eat the cookie and shut your mouth, Nancy." This explains a lot about the decisions I've made in my life. So...Here I am.. Staring at them like a Ninja lion stares at his kill. Quietly stalking it, drooling over how yummy that oatmeal goodness will taste... Knowing the kill doesn't even see it coming. Dare I eat the cookie? We shall see.

1 comment:

  1. those are my favorite cookies. i would have taken them off your hands. then told you it was all for the best. mwah.
