Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Lindora Diet from a man's view day 6

Day 6 sucked. I was sketching all day in a meeting from 8-6. For breakfast they served bacon, eggs, ham, sausage, biscuits and all kinds of other stuff. Yum... couldn't have it. For snacks, oversized chocolate chip cookies, oatmeal cookies and brownies were served all day with unlimited amounts of soda. Yum.. Couldn't have it. For lunch... Salad... Ate a small bit of it. Then a chicken (That looks familiar) and some delicious looking cheesey rice sh*t. It was orange, which means it probably tasted like heaven mixed with hot-damn with Parmesan cocaine sprinkled on top. Couldn't eat that. I ate the chicken, which I'm sure I wasn't supposed to eat for some reason or another. It was ok, not delicious, so maybe its not that bad for me. I got through the entire day without succumbing to the temptations of the delicious FREE smorgasbord. Then I got home around 6:30, ate my portion of steak and went to the gym. I survived the whole day with only one person mentioning that I might have "Anger issues." That's a win in my book.
I'm down 10 lbs.

By the way. Why is it when you are on a diet, everyone has to tell you about the diet THEY are on? At the meeting a seemingly nice/boring guy from Cincinnati insisted on telling me about his "Cave Man Diet" and how much better it is than whatever I'm doing. All I could think of was "He's from Cincinatti.. what a dousche."

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