Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Lindora Diet from a man's view day 8

This sucks. First day I haven't lost any weight. My wife says its because I refused to pee on the magic diet stick a few days back... Are you lost? Join the club. I was pretty sure it was just a stick that changed colors. Now I find out that all I had to do was pee on a stick and I wouldn't of had to do all this dieting and exercise. THAT INFORMATION WOULD HAVE BEEN USEFUL 8 DAYS AGO! Now all I need to find is a magic stick that gives me money when I pee on it and I'll be set.

So, so far lots of "That diet is stupid and you're doing it wrong." Reassurance from friends. Definitely not feeling like not eating something delicious today. To cheer myself up I've been watching Lonely Island Music videos all morning.

On a related note. I'm tired of all the ugly people at the gym. Where are all the attractive people from the commercials? Also, I would be more than happy to donate sticks of deodorant. Just because its a gym doesn't mean you can smell like bigfoot's ass. I also wanted to take a video of this larger girl on the elliptical machine. She was swaying left to right like she was dodging bullets. While the fatty movements were mesmerizing, I took a break to look to my right to see the entire line of people beside me also being hypnotized by this funky dance of fatty epicness. All with "what the hell am I watching" expressions on their faces with occasional "Yes I see it too" glances amongst ourselves.

So total weightloss:
stuck at 12 lbs.
I'm pretty sure that means I get to go to Rally's for lunch. Amiright??? Season fries??? YES PLEASE!

20 days to go.

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