Friday, March 30, 2012

Lindora Diet from a man's view day 27-30

Ok.. I've actually been busy working. WHO KNEW!??? So.. Haven't really done much else exciting. Been sticking with the diet for the most part. Instead of grilled chicken yesterday, I had 3 chicken strips. BWAH-HAHAHAHA. THEY WERE AMAZING! Real food tastes amazing when all you eat is grilled chicken, vegetables and protein bars. Don't tell my wife though.

I'm still holding at 24 lbs. Still have 6 to go.

I'm starting metabolic adjustments today.. Apparently that means I eat more food. WOOT! Had two scrambles eggs and some toast with jelly for breakfast. I've been told to put a little more ranch and chicken on my salad at lunch. For the next several days I up my food intake gradually and see if I can maintain my current weight. After 8 days, I try for those 6 more lbs. I can almost see that Dorito Locos taco in the near future.

I played sand volleyball yesterday and couldn't imagine how bad I would have sucked if I had been playing with 24 extra pounds. I already ran into the net LIKE A BOSS once. I probably would have taken the whole thing out if I had a little more weight. I spiked the sh*t out of the ball though.. Although I was told that it doesn't count when you hit the net. BULLSH*T! They be jealous of my monster abilities. I was also told by a girl on my team that she was surprised I could dip down so low (on a different badass hit I made). I made her aware that I could "dip it, whip it, smack it & whack it." All while making the appropriate spanking motion with my hands. She asked me to kindly never to that again.. She's not the boss of me. It will most DEFINITELY happen again.

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