Friday, March 9, 2012

Lindora Diet from a man's view day 10

"Please, no fussiness today."

Bitch.. I will cut you. If you want to start the day off with me in a bad mood. by all means, email me with something cute like that.. Ok.. The "fussy" gloves are off. Now the "reality" gloves are on. Lets start pointing out everything you do wrong today. That sounds way more fun than being fussy.

So, that's how my work day started. No weight loss today. Did an hour workout last night on the tv machine. I have no idea what its really called, but its one of the only machines that has a tv attached, so its my machine of choice.

Still mostly ugly people at the gym. I've also learned I have the psychic ability to pick the one locker in the entire locker room that will have a naked old man sitting/standing in front of it when I'm done working out. If I can somehow harness this new ability and turn it into something good instead of something so disgusting I could be rich. WHY IS THERE ALWAYS A NAKED OLD GUY IN FRONT OF MY LOCKER??? Oh.. and they aren't quick either?? Why be quick about getting dressed when you can sit there naked looking at your shoe? OH LOOK!!!! A F*CKING SHOE! Let me stare at it while I'm good and naked at the gym. Why have I never noticed this shoe before. I should take my bloody time with it, because where else can I sit in almost-public naked without getting arrested?

Hmmm. Maybe I am fussy.

Total weight loss: holding at 14lbs.

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