Thursday, March 22, 2012

Lindora Diet from a man's view day 23


This diet has been going well. I find my only problems have been with the people around me. I've noticed without a delicious soda to silence the voices in my head its insanely harder to tolerate the morons. It doesn't help that there are so many of them.

Not that I don't love holding people's hands and explaining how to do their jobs, because the concept of having to do sh*t never passed their minds when they applied to work here. But its just so much harder to endure when I can't indulge in something I don't absolutely hate.

I have to give myself credit though. So far today, I've only called one person a complete idiot to their face. Not bad. I'll allow it. I also withstood the urge to start answering my phone with "ARE YOU F*CKING KIDDING ME? WHAT DO YOU WANT NOW!?" That alone would have been worth a soda back in the day.

Oh yea.. The diet.. No weight loss today. Off the 3 days of protein. Ate a salad for lunch. YEE-HAW!

Still down 20 lbs. and looking fantastic.

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