Friday, May 13, 2011

Time to try

In my epic journey to become a self made wealthy stuck up bastard, I've decided to buy a BMW.. HA.. Just kidding..  Ef that. That would be dumb. I've decided to upload some of my witty, charismatic, lovable artwork to The site where you upload your own designs and hope someone randomly decides your drawing of a lizard drinking a margarita while wearing a sombrero is JUST WHAT HE NEEDS FOR HIS FLOAT TRIP!!!!....And you earn $2.. (Or something like that. I'm still not 100% clear on how it works.)

Well, I uploaded six images the other day and so far.......(drum roll)....nothing... SH*T!!.. I think I may need to up my game. I'm going to take the other 1000 or so images I have in my own little stock art library and upload the whole shebang. (side note.. I had NO idea that is how "Shebang" was spelled.. thank you auto correct). I'm on a mission of awesome to see if I can make money putting my own crap on t-shirts sold by someone else.. I'll keep you updated on the progress.

*lizard not actually on 
Sorry for the let-down.

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