Sunday, May 15, 2011

Playstation Network's temporary release of my soul

So, I've been getting a LOT of stuff done lately, and its mainly due to the fact that the PS3 Network has been hacked and I'm forced to convert back to the stone age and entertain myself. WTF? All of a sudden dropping cable to go balls to the wall on my "super dependable" PS3 doesn't seem as smart. I dropped cable about 4 months ago and picked up Netflix streaming video for the PS3, Hulu Plus for the PS3 and a New online game to pass the time with friends online.. Oh wait.. What's that sony? You're making it so ALL OF THAT IS COMPLETELY USELESS? That's cool.. No biggie. I'll*t. What do people do after their wife and kids go to bed at 9pm if they don't have tv, video games, or movies? My wife quickly stopped me when I said, "I'm going to the bar, they close at 3am". What does she want me to do? Read a book? NOT BLOODY LIKELY. (said in my best australian accent). So.. naturally I go downstairs and draw. SUPER.. I've always said there is never enough time. WISH GRANTED.. DAMMIT!  So anyways, I was super excited the PS3 was "back" tonight. Meaning, they flipped a switch and hoped some sort of fairy goshdamn magic happened.. It didn't. I still can't get on and I'm back in the basement drawing, LIKE A BOSS. Thank you PS3 for granting me all this unwanted free time to actually get some work done. And by "thank you," I mean "GIVE ME BACK MY ONLINE TIME DESTROYER YOU *#@!ing *#$hole M*#@$R *#@$ers.

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