Monday, October 31, 2011

Review of Puss In Boots

I took my 4 year old daughter to go see Puss In Boots yesterday. Not the 3D version. I'm kind of done with 3D for now. I may go back to it, but after an hour I just want to take the glasses off.

Anywho.. We went in with no expectations and left feeling like we achieved that. The story was ok, but it was no where near as good as its Shrek counterparts. My daughter says it was REALLY long and asked if it was almost over twice. BUT, she also thinks that we need to buy it when it comes out, so I guess she liked it more than she thought. (side note: I don't care how much she begs, I'm never buying popcorn again. $8 and all she ate was a handful. For $8 she better throw up at least twice.)

Personally, I had a few chuckles and always enjoy the effort Dreamworks makes by putting in adult oriented jokes throughout the movie. I'm also oddly conflicted that I found Salma Hayek's character strangely attactive. I mean.. Its a cartoon cat.. Its that damn accent. Gets me every time.

So, if you have kids that like going to these movies, why the hell not take them. If you are just mildly interested in seeing it, definitely wait until it comes out to rent.

I'd give it 2.5 out of 5 "high-fives."

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