Wednesday, August 17, 2011

One place not to have your toys made, in my opinion.

A Little story about a place I don't recommend doing business with when making small toys.

A little over a year or so ago I began playing with the idea of creating my own toys from some of my cartoons. So, after some research I found a place called Binkley Toys Custom Plush Toys.

I emailed and explained that I am new to the business and am wanting to get 5 prototypes made, then work on selling them, then place my order.

To which they replied, "No problem. Lets start with your first one and go from there."

Now I'm excited. 4ish weeks later I get my prototype. It looks great.. I called them up and explained it looked great and we can proceed with the next 4.

To which they replied. Sure, we will make them once you place a full order. Wait... No, I wanted 5 prototypes then will make an order.  Them: No, we won't do that. Place an order for your first one, then we can talk.

Me: We discussed this.. Here is our email were we were happy and agreed on everything.
Them: No, we won't do that.
Me: I'm pretty sure that's what we discussed.
Them: No thanks.
Me: Nevermind I found normal people to work with, at 1/3 your price.
Them: ok.

Fast forward a year.
The head guy of Binkley emails me about ordering bobble heads. I've pasted the following emails:

From Me, to: Binkley Guy:
 I've worked with your company in the past and was less than happy with your customer service. I found your reps fairly incompetent. I told them I needed 5 prototypes made of plush characters and would then order based on my order numbers for each one. After the first one was received, it looked great and I wanted the other 4 prototypes. I was told no, I can't have any more until I make a large order. When I resent the email about needing 5 and getting an ok, I got a reply back that it didn't matter and you don't do more than one prototype. I took my business elsewhere and will not be doing any business with your company. I've had much luck with a better company.

Reply from Binkley Guy:

Yes, I remember getting a similar email from my plush toy list. Thanks for the reminder.

I focused on inventors for a few years there, and that was a mistake. There are so many people who have 'big' ideas and no money. So the rules you experienced was based on that.
I have split my company now, to focus on Corporate accounts, and if an inventor sneaks through, then they probably have the money to do so.

I'll be blunt and say with how I'm set up now, you would still get flagged, since you email from a free yahoo account. I'm sure from where you're sitting, that may not make sense, but when I get 2,000 - 3,000 inquiries a month, I need to filter out the Corporations, from the tire kickers.

Obviously someone saw more in your communications then my staff did.

I wish you well.


 Here is a big banner across his webpage.

"and if an inventor sneaks through, then they probably have the money to do so"

Hmm.. That seems odd.

In case you are looking into making your own plush, you don't need companies like this. You can go straight to a manufacturer yourself, usually for quite a bit less.

This is all my opinion from the experiences I've had. You have to make your own decisions and maybe this company will work differently for you. Good luck with your toy making. Don't get bullied. :)