Wednesday, February 2, 2011 screws up again. And screws contributors in the process.

As a starving fat artist,I dabble in selling images on royalty free type sites as This year they have already decided to increase their profits by taking more of the artist' royalty percentage. Everyone b*tched and moaned, but stock pretty much said, "Suck it, B*tches, we do what we want." Throw in some disrespectful forum moderators, taking away people's once given ability to upload to Getty image while being exclusive contributors, add in what the call "the agency collection" which is going against istock's own beliefs and you got yourself some plain old fashioned douche-baggery.

That sucks right? Oh wait.. Let's add in the new cute thing istock just decided to pull. Apparently tons of purchases were made of people's files on istock recently with a stolen or fraudulent credit card. Sucks for istock right? Hell no, hahahahaha. They ripped that money out of people's account faster than you can say "wooyah, I just got a download!!" So after stealing money from our accounts, the sent a "Hey we took your money blah blah blah, tough sh*t." Aren't the insure against such things you ask? Apparently not. Shouldn't they be held accountable instead of the contributors you query. Surely you are mistaken. They are but a humble start up company with no one to answer to care about apparently.

So istock.. You are now officially lame. Pat yourself on the back, you thieving gypsies.
See this in action link